Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Now don't forget, kids (and usurpers of property): WE DON'T LIVE IN A DEMOCRACY!

Dr. Williams, as always, is right on with his latest column. By virtue of the laws set forth in our Constitution, we and Congress supposedly don't get to vote on everything and simply enact laws based on what 50.0000000001% of the population (or sample of the population as is the case with Congress) thinks is A Good Idea. Just because most of the folks in town agree that my house is ugly doesn't mean that I have to paint it.

Oh wait; never mind, I just got annexed. Yes, it does mean that. And I have to cut my grass the way they want it. And I have to clean that filthy place up.

Anyway, this is always a useful lesson for the Tenth Plank crowd and everybody else who believes that anything and everything should be up for a vote. We have a constitutional republic, which is, as Mr. Adams said, "A government of laws, and not of men."


Anonymous said...

Democracy: 50.0000000001 wolves and 49.9999999999 sheep voting on what's for dinner.

Willerd Withane said...

Indeed. The bright spot is that it only takes a few well-armed lambs.