Sunday, March 1, 2009

Social networking and a complete lack of productivity

I let my lovely wife talk me into setting up a Facebook account. Yes, I've become quite the hacker in just a fortnight, both starting a blog and joining a "social networking site." So I'm a little behind the times; greater men than me have asserted that it doesn't pay to pioneer.

I feel like that dorky guy that came back and hung out on the square with all the high school kids on Saturday night even though he'd graduated 15 years prior. You know, the fellow that just couldn't cope with the real world and tried to relive the glory days of peak coolness, only this time with a gut and male pattern baldness? I take a little guilty pleasure in the mindlessness of it all, but on a more serious note I've also found a buddy of mine that I've half-heartedly tried to locate for the past few years. Now I wonder when I'll find time to go to work and take care of basic personal hygiene...

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